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Tag: Investment risk

How to Build an Investment Portfolio

When make an investment (whether it be a lump sum, regular savings or a pension contribution), you have some important decisions to make and fund selection will be high on your decision list. If your investment is small, you may decide to use a single fund. However, for most, it is important to build a suitable portfolio of funds because:

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Portfolio Rebalancing

If you have a pension or investment plan, you will often invest in a selection of different funds, often referred to as a ‘Portfolio’.

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What is your tolerance to risk?

If you are a saver or an investor, have you ever really considered the amount of risk you are taking with your money?

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When my wife and I were looking for advice on retirement financial planning a few years ago, Barry was recommended to us by another IFA, who no longer provided that type of advice. Over the last few years, Barry has provided us with very good financial planning advice, tailored to our particular needs and attitudes to financial risk. He contacts us regularly to update us with the latest information and to see if our needs have changed but leaves the final decisions to us, i.e. he does not try to push a particular financial product or company. We have been very pleased with his advice to date and look forward to continuing our association with him.

Mr K.T.