Independent Wealth Management

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Christmas Greetings from Professional Wealthcare

I’d like to wish you a wonderful Christmas and a very happy New Year

Once again, I won’t be sending out Christmas cards this year, but have decided to donate my card and postage budget and some extra to a very special and local cause which I’d like to tell you about.

Camberley All Night Cafe

Camberley All Night Café is based in the Scout Hut on London Road in Camberley.  It opens 7 nights a week to the homeless and veterans.  They provide home cooked hot meals, drinks, food to take away, showers, clothing and a warm safe place to shelter from the cold nights and a place to sleep. They also provide health and wellbeing support to help to get people back on track.

The team of volunteers do a tremendous job caring for those in need and it’s a privilege to be able to help them over the Christmas and winter period.

You might like to help too

They need help with sponsorship, volunteers, supplies etc.  Please take a look at their website and find them on Facebook.

Thank You

And finally, a huge thank you to all Professional Wealthcare clients for your business during this and previous years.  I appreciate the trust placed in me to provide you with the advice and service you need and I look forward to working with you in the future.

Merry Christmas


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Barry truly lives up to his company’s name as he is a real professional. He offers great, unbiased advice and puts the needs of his clients before anything else. Whereas many so-called ‘Independent’ financial advisors seem to offer products and services based primarily on how much commission they’re likely to receive, Barry offers solutions that will ensure that your investments actually work for you.

David Goodman