Christmas Greetings from Professional Wealthcare
I’d like to wish you a wonderful Christmas and a very happy New Year Once again, I won’t be sending out Christmas cards this year, but have decided to donate my card and postage budget and some extra to a very special and local cause which I’d like to tell you about. Camberley All Night […]
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It’s Our Birthday!!
Professional Wealthcare is celebrating an important landmark. We have now reached the ripe old age of 15 years! We are extremely grateful to all of our clients who have entrusted us with their finances. We remain dedicated to continuing to provide a highly personal service which will help you to grow your money and preserve […]
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Independent Financial Advice
What is an Independent Financial Adviser (IFA)?
An IFA is a professional adviser who will consider every aspect of your personal and financial situation and will give you advice that is tailored to you. If an IFA recommends a product (for example a pension or investment) he can offer you the best choice from the whole of the market.
Unlike a free guidance service or information you may find online, the advice provided by an IFA will take account of your personal circumstances and will make clear recommendations.
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You Need A Budget
Do you use a software package to keep track of your personal finances? For many years I have used Microsoft Money to keep track of all my household income and spending, but after a lot of research have recently started using another system and I must say – ‘I’m impressed’.
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Has your adviser disappeared?
We recently received an enquiry from someone whose financial adviser had disappeared. The adviser in question used to be an IFA with Inter-Alliance. It occurred to me that this must be an occasional problem for people. You see, financial services companies have come and gone over the years. In fact, I spent four years of my career with Inter-Alliance before setting up Professional Wealthcare in 2001.
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The Retail Distribution Review and Adviser Fees
Welcome to 2013 and to the world of financial advice following the Retail Distribution Review (RDR).
You may have already heard about the recently implemented RDR. These are the words of The Financial Services Authority:
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