Independent Wealth Management

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The Retiring Population

This year, more people than ever are reaching age 65 in the UK. In fact, forecasts have predicted that over 800,000 people are reaching this milestone during 2012. The reason of course is due to the post war baby boom. At Professional Wealthcare, we’ve noticed a significant increase in the amount of enquiries we’re receiving from people approaching retirement and we expect this trend to continue.

This is a time when some important decisions need to be made. Often, these decisions cannot be undone, so it’s important to discuss your options and to make sure you receive sound advice.

If you need to discuss your retirement plans, please contact us.

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I have known Barry and used his financial services for many years for various aspects of our family’s needs. He has always provided a first class independent and personal service, giving un-biased advice that is in our best interest. He operates his business in a very professional way and communicates all the information efficiently and speedily.

David Hey